Serve Your Way Out

When Joseph was 17 years old, he dreamed of one day being in leadership and doing great things for God. It would take several years before he would see the dream come to pass. In fact, he was 30 years old when the dream became reality. That’s a long time to wait. During his time of waiting, he went from the pit to the house, the prison, and to the palace. Along the way, he developed his gifts and used them to help others with their dreams while he waited on his dream to come true. 

While he was in prison he encountered a cupbearer and baker who had dreams of their own but needed someone to interpret them:

And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.” Genesis 40:8

Joseph could have become bitter about waiting on his dreams while watching others receive blessings and promotions, but he chose to serve while he waited. Joseph’s gift became so valuable that it would result in his promotion out of the prison. Serving would eventually be his ticket out of prison. Help someone else with their dream while you wait for yours. Eventually, someone will need your gifts.


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