It’s Time to Get Moving!

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In Exodus 14, we see where it’s moving day with the Israelites. Moses had just called down the last plague and had instructed the Israelites to have their bags packed. After all the plagues were over, they were being pushed out by the Egyptians. In actuality, the Egyptians were begging them to leave. At first, things looked good. The Israelites had plundered their neighbors of all their wealth and then left with as much stuff strapped to their backs as they could. However, in a few moments, things went from bad to worse.

After the initial shock was over, Pharoah changed his mind and sent his entire army to chase them down, and when they finally reached them, the Israelites were pinned between the army and the Red Sea. By all accounts, their backs were against the wall.

When their back was against the wall, it was easy to forget what God had done to get them that far. Earlier in the story, the Lord miraculously delivered Israel from their captors. He rained down plagues on the land and delivered them with his mighty hand. He brought them out of Egypt to the edge of the Red Sea. In a moment of panic, the Israelites accused Moses of bringing them out there just to let them die. God’s response to Moses was just as surprising…

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!

(Exodus 14:15)

It’s almost as if God was exasperated at Moses as well. His response was to tell the Israelites to get moving! This meant they were going to have to go through the sea. The problem is that they were afraid. Fear is funny like that. It causes us to see problems, not possibilities.

It also makes us panic and lose sight of what God has done in our past. Moses had to remind them that the Lord didn’t bring them this far just to bring them this far. Likewise, if you’re facing your Red Sea today, you need to remind yourself that God didn’t bring you this far just to bring you this far.

Faith chooses to focus on the possibilities, not the problems. It also chooses to look for the miraculous, not your mess. When you have faith, anything becomes possible. Remember, faith makes things possible, not easy.

The Lord didn’t remove the Red Sea, but he did make a way through it. If God’s not removing your Red Sea, there’s a good chance he’s choosing to bring you through it. Either way, you’re not going through it alone, and you will get through it one way or another!

Whatever you’ve been afraid to face, it’s time to get moving!


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