A Filtered Heart

Earlier in the week, we talked about the connection between banking and our hearts. If you haven’t read it yet you can read it here.

Not only is it important to make deposits in our hearts, but it’s also good to make sure they’re good deposits. It’s equally important to filter what’s being allowed in our hearts. If we don’t filter our deposits, we become polluted.

Words reveal the heart. You can tell if your heart is polluted by what comes out of your mouth because this scripture tells us that out of the overflow our mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).

What is your mouth overflowing with? Is it overflowing with cursing or vulgarity? Is it full of lying and complaining? I must admit complaining comes easy for me. At one point in my life, I was a serial complainer. I’ve come to recognize this and I’m doing a better job of watching what I say. I’ve since tried to live my life based on gratitude and worship.

I have noticed one thing over the years with having a consistent Bible reading time. Are you ready for it? The more I read the Bible the more it gets in me and the more of me gets out of me. Simple, right?

It doesn’t mean we won’t have bad days and slip up. The best advice to avoid saying something you regret is to keep your mouth shut. Your mouth is the gatekeeper of your heart.

Question: Do you take the time to regularly refill your heart?


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